Saturday, December 30, 2006

Friendship... ...

What is a friend? A friend asked me this question one day in an attempt to start a seemingly intellectual conversation. I of course provided a seemingly intellectual answer which amounted to crap (though I refused to acknowledge that at that point of time). I said, “A friend is someone who will pat you on the back and say ‘good job’ after you are done with irritating him or her.” Well, I was trying to irritate him at that time of course but now I come to see that the particular statement has its merit. A true friend will brave untold dangers for you, someone who will watch your back with you feeling perfectly safe. That notion may be too remote in today’s context, but someone who will be sensitive to your every move and takes much care in your feelings. Always there to offer encouragement without blinding you to the truth, always there to lend a helping hand without leading you to be too dependent.

So back to the statement, then of course a true friend will not mind the irritation that you cause to him or her and instead focus on the stimulus which caused you to have a mind to irritate him or her. If the cause of you irritating your friend is due to some unhappy stimulus that you suffered, the friend will understand and see the irritation as an outlet for your frustration. If the irritation has no unkind stimulus and purely a result of mischief, then the friend would see it as an act with no harm intended and should measure up to the mischief by not appearing to be ruffled by the irritating acts. Either way, ‘good job’ sounds like the ideal phrase to say. However, I would think that it needs someone of a high threshold to remain impassive or even encouraging in the face of irritation. Most people, myself included, cannot stand people irritating us. We will retaliate most of the time by being more irritating.

I have been encouraged by certain friends recently. The things that they do are very heartening, it is those little things that people tend to overlook that make them special and huge when they are fulfilled. It is amazing how fast and deep friendships can be forged. I think you just have to meet the right people at the right time. I realize that you can talk about anything with certain people even though you may not know them for long, yet it is difficult for you to utter a single word to some people you have known for entire life. I suppose chemistry between people plays a large part when it comes to developing friendships. Forgive me if I am not making sense, I think the lethargy is kicking in and the brain is the first to witness it. Should continue on friendship on another day… …

Posted by cloudy at 3:06 AM

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Alone... ...

I am alone in the world's finest airport, not awaiting to fly off somewhere but waiting for someone who is about to fly off somewhere to start a new chapter of her life. Many laugh at my foolishness at forsaking sleep for a chance to say goodbye to my good friend in face. Well, I am devoid of sleep recently and that coupled with the not too short distance between home and the airport is reason enough for me to stay at home to enjoy the comforts of my cosy bed. Yet here I am alone, at this unforgiving hour penning my latest entry for my blog. At least I made myself comfortable, sitting on a comfortable sofa with a nice cup of hot chocolate to warm my brain and keep it form lapsing into the drowsy mode. But it is the right choice to be here, good friend will not be back till mid of next year.

It is good to be alone at times, especially in a foreign environment and out of comfort zone. That is particularly true if you also happen to have too much time to kill or nothing important at hand to do, you tend to observe more things. Things that we take for granted or fail to notice normally. Then we will start to appreciate things a bit more and learn to cherish the things that we own or take for granted.

Moreover, it is not always that we get some time of our own. We are very much caught up with the events in our lives sometimes that we fail to consider the actions that we are carrying out. We just don’t see the significance or goal of the action but are preoccupied with the action itself. It is always nice to have time to sit back and reflect our actions from time to time. Yet the time allocated for reflection is sometimes a luxury as we will normally lapse from one activity to another without giving ourselves a chance to evaluate the previous acts. Especially when in a familiar environment where there is always stuff that we can find to do.

Jumping out of comfort zone may not be a very welcoming thing. I personally abhor the idea of camping over at the airport alone; my apprehension led me to reverse my decision to come many times over. Yet I can say that it is not a bad thing either, I can have personal time of my own sitting down, thinking and seeing new things. I would say that without Internet for one whole night is a terrible enough notion for a chat freak like me. Felt a bit lost initially, but I found some truth to what my brother said to me recently about ‘chatting too much online equals no life’. It is good sometimes to be uncontactable and unreachable.

Surprisingly, I don’t feel sleepy now. I am sure if I am at home, I will be dead tired if I am still up at this time of the day. Perhaps I am more vigilant in a foreign environment.

The airport is very quiet in the wee hours of the morning, most people will not come and send people off who are flying at this hour. Recently I have been in the airport umpteen times, sending people off and normally at this kind of weird hours. I wonder if anyone will come and send me off when I fly off next year.

A couple of surprises this morning… didn't think I would be able to find a nice couch to sit, didn't think I would be able to find a power plug to feed my ever thirsty computer, didn't think I would be able to keep myself occupied adequately for 3 hours without Internet access and without getting bored... ...

Just rambling....

Posted by cloudy at 2:35 AM

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Monday, December 11, 2006


Finally i got the comments button back... after much effort...

Posted by cloudy at 1:04 AM

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Saturday, December 09, 2006

Reflections of the day

Humans house one of the most complex machines in the world known as the brain... the directing of the intricate mechanical functioning of the body is reason to marvel at and that coupled with emotions and feelings introduce diversity and individuality in people. In short, people are different and it is not always possible that people see eye to eye with others... this introduces problems...

Some people have a higher threshold level... they generally dun see anything wrong with certain things that other people feel are or that they can endure certain level of mistakes and always hope to avoid aggression or confrontation... other people are more sensitive to the surroundings and the people around them and they tend to want to right the wrongs or correct the mistakes if they believe it justifiable... i dunno which one is considered better or more appropriate... i suppose it depends on the situation... I am inclined to think that i am of the same nature as the former...

The thing is, keeping quiet does not solve any problem at times... It may even worsen the situation and help to feed the problem causing it to go out of control. However i feel that if whatever i say does not add value to the situation or does not help to ease the situation... they can do without my input to confuse them further... I dun know if this is considered a 'heck care' attitude cos i am not actively trying to solve the problem but rather waiting for a solution to present itself or seen as trying to extricate myself from the mess.

I realise that sometimes persisting on a problem does not necessarily solve it... it just becomes an endless cycle of arguments which of course arises from the differences in mentalities and experiences. Sometimes we are just very caught up with a certain point or argument that we fail to consider the big picture... sometimes taking a back step and looking at the big picture can present a simple yet effective solution...

Posted by cloudy at 9:58 PM

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A summary of my incoherent thoughts

I suddenly have this thought... what if everything that i believed all my life cease to hold true anymore... what if all the friends that i have around me are just figments of my imagination... what if what if what if...

I cannot imagine what i would do... would i just break down? dunno.... i think the most politically correct answer that u can get is ' face reality, wake up'. However, I believe that the course of action that i would currently take is to stay in happy delusion and carry on day dreaming... i suppose taking the easy way out is being less cruel to myself... If waking up shatters me, let me dream forever...hmm...sometimes that keeps u going... helping to maintain your confidence level and to continue with your life as normal for the time being...

Even as i am penning this down, i am feeling a bit weird. As a person who prides at being very rational and logical, I cannot believe that i would ever think of staying in a trance... generally i dun like to run away from problems as much as possible, cos running away from them means they still have a chance to catch up with u i prefer to 'eliminate' or termed more commonly-- solve them... well but then sometimes logical people would want to run away from reality too... at least until they can face it with an appropriate state of mind to be able to solve it properly.

Sounds totally like a stressed out person...

Posted by cloudy at 8:39 PM

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