Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Is it me?
Most people know I have a ‘problem of the day’ problem. I always have full confidence in my ability to find something to brood over for the whole day. Pris says I think too much, some other people say I have nothing better to do. Maybe, but this ‘POTD’ problem is here to stay…
That day was randomly clicking around on my comp and suddenly I found this new problem. My Help and Support function couldn’t work! Oh for goodness sake, how many people use their H & S function in the comp? Was talking to this friend of mine about this problem and the first thing he asked me was ‘What’s that’…Well, most people would just google their problem on the Net now I suppose… I would do the same thing…. But I couldn’t take it lying down… simply couldn’t live with something malfunctioning, I must TRY to so something at least…Googled my problem and it did return very useful results…Some websites describe exactly the symptoms of my comp’s disease accompanied with solutions… Great, so now the surgeon found the rotting flesh… with sterilized surgical knife and tweezers….BUT…but ….but ….it didn’t work… maybe the knife was too blunt…The traumatized surgeon had to give up and convince herself to live with it after half a day’s battle….
A lot of people say I am asking for it…should have spent my time better rather than on something I hardly touch…makes sense…but it is just me I suppose… I cannot stand my stuff having blemishes even if I dun use them… I think it is a form of 洁癖… My friend told me to reformat my comp if I really cannot stand it…but it’s different…. I told him reformatting does not nip the problem at the bud…it is like you have a dog called 小明,then小明 caught an illness which u try so hard but cannot cure…so u kill小明 and buy a similar dog and call it小明. However, if小明 2 catches the same disease, you will have the same problem and the whole vicious cycle continues…ok this analogy sounds a bit warped…
In the meantime… I think I will try to live with it….
Posted by cloudy at 12:29 AM