Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I am a problem kid...
Last night my good friend who is currently on SEP with me wrote something on her blog which summarises her anguish or should i say amusement over my heaps of 'problems of the day or week'... Quite funny... I am not aware that I am such a 问题儿童.... I would like to express my sincerest apologies and gratitude to my 2 good friends here who are always bearing towards me and my endless chattering and of course for providing solutions (whether or not they are feasible) to my problems....
here's the extract if you all are interested....
Artist's (Minghao's) impression of FOP-pies. [FOP= Full of Problems] This post is dedicated to my friend who lives in Rm205 at the 留学生宿舍.. She has been officially conferred the title of FOP. As you can see from the picture, she is plagued with problems ever since SEP started in Chengdu. I think we spend 1/3 of our time in Chengdu listening and analysing poor friend's problems... It all started with a leaky toilet ceiling... which will drip a liquid (I wouldn't want to know what is that) on you if use the 马桶.. So my poor friend had to report it to the 服务员 about it and it took them quite long to repair it. And it started to leak again after they repaired it... so poor friend had to report to 服务员 again.. and then she realised that her shower area started to leak too! And the 服务员 had to go repair it for her again.. between the day the leak was found and the day it got repaired which spanned over a period of..... about 3 weeks I think, poor friend had been expressing her concern over leaky toilet to us. So being good friends we tried to comfort her that it'll be fixed one fine day and she can always come "bless" our toilets.. Finally, poor friend's toilet got fixed and she managed to dettol it. (in case you don't know wat does "dettol it" means, it means using Dettol, a disinfectant, to disinfect the area/thing/object) And we though her problems will end there... NOT! Poor friend then started to develop rashes.. So we tried to figure out what was the cause of this new problem.. Perhaps it was caused by the cold? dry weather? blanket? bedsheet? bed buds? bed mites? UFOs? After eliminating whatever might be the reason, rashes started to subside a little and poor friend also managed to get a "Made In Singapore" 药膏 to apply on her rashes. And so we thought the rashes problem was solved.... NOT! It became a problem again, now moving to her legs.. So more brainstorming was carried out, trying to solve the problem and a new tube of 药膏 was bought to salvage the situation. Before this problem was solved.. Poor friend suddenly had this "funny feeling" on her hands! So while rubbing her hands together, she expressed her concern to us whether her hands were too dry? funny? And she briefed us on the reasons that might have caused this problem... maybe she wasn't drinking enough water? But I suggested to her, maybe she was just dettol-ing too much and Dettol might be very damaging to her skin.. and while battling "funny feeling" hands problem, she was also found it very problematic going to the toilet numerous times throughout the day. And of course, she had a long list of causes for this weak bladder problem.. maybe it was caused by too high intake of water? high intake of salt? weak bladder? something wrong with kidneys? Oh yah! and while she was battling wif "funny feeling" hands problem and weak bladder problem, she neglected her rashes problem and it didnt itch anymore.. So I think it can be deduced that most of her problems are probably psychological..... right? No matter whether is it psychological or physcial my poor friend, don't worry. We will be glad to try to solve it for you! Because... that's what friends are for right? Must remember that, no matter how not nice is that dou sha bao you bought for me, I'll finish it , because you specially da bao it back for me.. =)[p.s Poor friend's hot water flask was also leaking and 服务员 had to fix it for her but I forgot when did it happen.. too many problems and I got the timeline a bit mixed up..]
Posted by cloudy at 8:29 PM
...hehe..hmm..your probs r usually circumstantial ma...hope your 问题s diminish...decrease...disintegrate. Take care take care wor!=)