Thursday, August 24, 2006

Dead beat... ...

I can really appreciate the meaning of the word 'tired' now... Lessons start in the mornings.... Lessons end at 8 or 9 pm at night... Even with the breaks in between, it doesn't really help, nothing much achieved in the few hours... I suppose it is not the physical tiredness that really matters... it is the emotional drain that saps my energy. The thought of having to stay in school late and not being able to go home when others could...

Yesterday really busy... didn't wake up early enough to eat breakfast, didn't finish stuff fast enough to eat lunch, didn't think of eating dinner in sch cos didn't expect jam.... in essence... ended up hungry, tired and miserable sitting in a crowded bus wondering 'why is this happening to me'... maybe it is the hunger that irks me... think i resumed to my normal self after intake of food..

Today was another late day... very tired after the whole day of lectures and tutorials... This was especially evident considering the fact that I actually didn't bother to make a detour to avoid a 4- legs (commonly known as a dog) which was directly in my path when I was walking home.

Just hope that I can get a few days of rest this weekend....

Posted by cloudy at 11:21 PM

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